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English 9R Course Requirements




Mission Statement

Students will be responsible for reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills through an exploration of literature and grammar, with an emphasis on the New York State English Language Standards.



Students will:

-         develop listening skills utilizing a variety of literary genres


-         develop voice through literary discussion and oral reading


-         enhance writing skills through exercises pertaining to sentence structure and variety, sentence combining, letter writing, and note taking


-         continue to refine grammatical skills


-         make inferences and draw conclusions


-         develop analytical, interpretive, and organizational skills


-         develop organizational skills through maintenance of a three-ring binder notebook


-         compare, interpret, reflect, and evaluate various literary genres


-         complete a writing portfolio according to department standards


Grading Procedures

Grades are determined by the following criteria:

    Class Participation* / Notebook                20%

    Homework                                                20%

    Tests                                                       20%

    Quizzes                                                   20%

    Projects                                                   20%


*Class Participation Evaluation:  See attached rubric        





Required Texts

Elements of Literature World Literature

The Elements of Writing; Third Course



Semester One


Epic of Gilgamesh                                portions of the epic (the story of the flood)

“Noah and the Flood”                           sacred text

“Tata and Nena”                                  myth

“The Prodigal Son”                               parable

Oedipus Rex                                       drama

The Iliad                                            epic (excerpts)

The Aeneid                                         epic (excerpts)

“Carpe Diem”                                      poem


Semester Two


African Proverbs                                proverbs

The Fisherman and the Jinnee              folk tale

“The Divine Comedy”                            epic

“Brother Onion”                                  story

Romeo and Juliet                                 drama


Publication of the Writing Portfolio

Special focus on task three of the English Regents


*Please note that additional readings from the Elements of Literature text and coordinating assignments may be required by individual teachers.
















The following topics will be covered in the Elements of Writing text:

          1.        Parts of Speech               Chapter 14, 464-499

          2.       Agreement:                      Chapter 18, 587-615

          3.       Verb Usage:                     Chapter 19, 616-647

          4.       Pronoun Usage:                 Chapter 20, 648-672

          5.       Modifiers                        Chapter 21, 673-694

          6.       Glossary of Usage            Chapter 22, 695-716

          7.       Punctuation:                     A.  End Marks; Chapter 24, 739-745

                                                          B.  Italics and Quotes; Chapter 26, 787-804

                                                          C.  Apostrophes; Chapter 27, 805-823

          8.       Capitalization                  Chapter 23, 717-738

          9.       Prefixes and Roots: Chapter 34, 925-936

          10.     Words Often Confused     Chapter 29, 850-860


Attendance:  Regular attendance at school is the prerequisite for academic success.  All students at Longwood High School are expected to be present in their classes every school day unless legally absent.  Any illegal absence from a class is considered a “cut.”     

          1st cut:   Detention “A”      Parent/guardian/student contact

          2nd cut:  Detention “A”      Parent/guardian/student contact

          3rd cut:  Detention “B”      Meeting with administrator/administrator makes

                                                parent contact


Lateness:  Teachers will record all tardiness.  Late arrival to class causes disruption to all students in the class.  Therefore all students should make every effort to arrive to class on time.  Unexcused tardiness will result in the following consequences:

          1st  offense:  Verbal warning by teacher

          2nd offense:  Parent/guardian notified by teachers

          3rd offense:  “A” Detention

          4th offense:  “B” Detention, Administrative parent/guardian conference


Students are responsible for all assignments even when legitimately absent and should not expect to be brought up-to-date during class as this results in a loss of instructional time for everyone. This includes absences from class due to field trips, music lessons, or any other school sanctioned activity.  See your teacher for the appropriate time to make up missed work.  Assignments are expected on the due date.  There may be penalties for work that is turned in late.